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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Taking back America???

 I've been "scared" of for some time. I've seen the hate spewed by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck, the other pundits at Fox just allow the lies to tumble out of their mouths without any accountability. republican members of congress shout "You Lie" at the President of the United States from the floor of congress, republican and tea bagger candidates make veiled threats, democratic members of congress are spat on as they enter the capital building, people show up at political events carrying assault weapons......

What happened yesterday was bound to happen and the mouthpieces who promoted it will scurry into the dark corners like roaches and deny any responsibility.

Locally the rhetoric has only ratcheted even higher with statements like "The revolution has begun" etc. What sort of America will we have once it's been "taken back" by the likes of these??

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sad day for Arizona and America

I was in my senior year of high school outside of Dayton Ohio when the students were killed at Kent State. They died protesting a war that we'd gone into on a lie, that had killed tens of thousands of our own, and had stretched out for a decade. I remember well the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young song about the incident.

This morning in Tucson Arizona six are dead and others lay gravely wounded as a result of the hate speech and lies of so called conservative pundits and politicians. And I wonder who'll write their song.......

Thursday, November 25, 2010


For all my Tea Party (and other wingnut) friends.....

Just because something isn't specifically mentioned in the United States Constitution, doesn't make it "unconstitutional".....

For something to be "unconstitutional", it must violate something that IS mentioned in the Constitution.

I'm just sayin'.........

Friday, November 19, 2010

George Carlin was right....

The same Wallstreet idiots who blew up the economy are now screaming about the "deficit", they are trying to saddle the middle America, middle class with the cost. As George Carlin said, they've got everything they're coming after your retirement. They want your pensions and healthcare.

As long as our economy is based on making deals instead of products, the middle class is screwed.

Don't touch my junk

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


There has been nothing offered for the last two years but "No"......nothing more than "Hell No You Can't", and now that the right has taken control of one house of congress there's talk of compromise, of working together????

They've already stated that they will not compromise. Their guiding principle is lining the pockets of the wealthy and causing President Obama to "fail".

They've offered nothing else for two years except "cut taxes and cut spending" without any details about how THAT would work in their fantasy world of fiscal responsibility.

The Day After

The fight over the last couple years to bring some humanity to our nation was dealt a crashing blow last night as the corporations bought the votes of the uninformed in this country. The idea that some normalcy would come to Arizona was crushed as the far right took everything.

Notable is that in the district I live, Dan Quayle was elected to congress. He's the one who said in his ads that President Obama was the worst president in history and that if elected he would go to Washington and "knock the hell out of the place" His most notable accomplishment in life was to write a column for an adult/sex website in Scottsdale in which he said that his "moral compass was so broken that it was a wonder he could find the parking lot".

Power is defending SB1070 in court, probably will end up with the Supreme's. Which leans heavily right these days. The voters here even passed a ban on Affirmative Action. Next on the agenda is passing laws in the state house to not grant citizenship to persons born in the United States as called for in the US Constitution.

Reports in the last week indicate that the writing of SB1070 was heavily supported/assisted by corporations running prisons with the sole intent on increasing profits by incarcerating more people with, or without them being found guilty of any crime. And like legislation is spreading across the country.

The saving grace is that progressives held onto the US Senate, so that any attempt by the right to gut the work done in the past two years will NEVER come to a vote there (for the time being), as it would never be signed by the President.